What is C25k?
C25k is the acronym for Couch to 5k, a training program designed to get you off the sofa and on the track. A 5k race, which is 3.1 miles, seems doable because it is intentionally doable. You can walk 3 miles at a casual pace in under an hour and most 5k races impose no time limits. Therefor, you can stroll with your kid in a buggy or jog with your dog in a tutu (yes, you and/or Fido). Stop for a beer every ¼ mile. Juggle balls while wearing a tuxedo. There is no shortage of themed events designed to make moving fun.
But I Want to Run a 5k
What if (like me), you’ve walked in a number of these fun 5ks and now you’re ready to pick up the pace? Do you want to run a 5k, but don’t know how to train? Combining a few resources with sheer desire got me off the couch and headed toward the finish line, and the following tips can make your C25k training successful too.
Get the Proper Shoes
Before you start training, go to an athletic store that specializes in runners’ gear. A trained associate will evaluate your stride as you walk or jog on a treadmill, and determine the best shoe for you. I ended up with Newtons because I have a tendency to lay heavy on my outer right foot, then slam my heels into the ground. Turns out that’s horrible form, and worse for your joints. These shoes keep me on my toes, literally, and save me from unnecessary aches, pains, and injury.
Download a C25k App

There are plenty, and many are free. My personal favorites are 5k Run by Vandersoft for Android users, or 5K Runner: Couch Potato to 5K for IOS. Both programs have weekly workouts that begin with more walking than running. I simply pull up the app, plug in my headset, and go. When it’s time to run, I’m told to. When it’s time to walk, I’m given that prompt as well. It’s like having a trainer by my side, coaching me every step of the way. The workouts gradually increase running to walking ratios until you’re running for 30 minutes, non-stop. If you can’t keep up, repeat that week, or that workout, until you can.
Three days a week at 25 minutes a day is all you need to get yourself to a 5k pace in just under a few months. Remember, you can do a combo walk/run and still say you ran. C25k training is about pushing yourself to do more. It’s easy on days you have “reasons” to reason yourself right out of your commitment. Phone a friend and ask them to cheer you on, or better yet, train with you. Share your workouts on social media using MapMyRun. Finally, nothing says “I commit” like signing up for a 5k. Envision yourself crossing that finish line and commit to making it happen.
Use Music to Move You
(Contains Adult Language)
Do you have a song that reminds you of your first love? Have you ever smelled a scent that took you back to childhood? Music is not just a trigger for past memories; it can be a trigger to move. Running Shockwave Magazine means my playlist is always rock influence, and right now my running playlist is the premier album Mis•an•thrope from rockers DED. The lyrics are powerful and the music is a kick in the butt. I started running to it because it was the perfect length: 37 minutes with a slow paced cool down song at the end. However, now when I hear “Anti-Everything” on the radio, I have the urge to run.
Don’t be afraid to fail. The only failure is giving up. Every time you start over, you’re succeeding at believing in yourself and your dreams. Now go and do. There’s a finishers medal with your name written all over it. Mine too. I’ll see you at the Miami Margarita Madness 5k Run finish line on March 31st, 2018.