
Breastfeeding Basics for Beginners 101

Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding is an amazing and incredibly rewarding journey. Every breastfeeding journey is a different adventure.  Breastfeeding can feel overwhelming, but it’s the best thing you can do for your baby. There is a lot of talk about the argument between “Breast is Best” and “Fed is Best.” Of course, I want all the babies to be fed, and if your child is in need of supplementation I am not shaming you. However, I can’t tell you that simply being “fed” is what’s best for your baby. That completely takes away any sort of importance attached to how  we are feeding our babies, and how we feed our babies does matter. These breastfeeding basics will get you on the right path.

Breastfeeding is best!

Being a new mom is overwhelming, and artificially created alternatives are marketed toward us relentlessly. If someone had told me “fed is best” when I was a struggling, brand new mother I would have thought it really didn’t matter how I fed my baby as long as my baby had a full belly. I would have believed both breast milk and artificial alternatives were the same. Of course, that’s exactly what the companies that market those products want new mothers to believe. The truth is, breast milk and formula are very different, and breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby. 

If I had believed the lie that fed is best, I would have been very angry to later find the endless textbooks, research articles and stories about breastfeeding basics. I would have been mad that I hadn’t known about the incredible ever changing composition of breast milk and how it actually does matter. I don’t want you and your children to miss out on the amazing health benefits of breastfeeding.  You need to know that how we feed our children matters.

Breastfeeding is the biologically normal way for all mammals, including humans, to nourish their young and it is completely natural. However, just because it is natural doesn’t mean you should expect it to come naturally. If breastfeeding is brand new to you, be patient while you and baby are learning something new.  If you have tried before but never been successful in meeting your personal goal, be patient with yourself! Just like any major endeavor in life you need to prepare to ensure success!

Nourishing your growing baby through breastfeeding is the biggest challenge most new moms have ever attempted. Be sure you are prepared. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed. Don’t give up before you even try. Don’t give up on a hard day! Trust your body and your baby and follow your maternal instincts.


The World Health Organization states: “Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their family, the health care system and society at large.” 

The female body is truly amazing. Through breastfeeding our bodies are capable of providing for ALL the complex nutritional needs of our children as they grow and thrive during the first six months of their life. We can continue to provide excellent nutrition in addition to solid foods for as long as both mother and baby are comfortable. Breast milk is a living tissue which has been referred to as “white blood” (Riordan & Wambach, 2012) as it is always changing depending on what your child needs. It truly is superior nutrition.

Breastfeeding is also a wonderful way to connect and bond with your new baby. Babies thrive on love. Breastfeeding while cuddling your precious little baby will encourage all the love hormones in both mama and baby to flow. My daughter and I have a strong, loving bond thanks in large part to our beautiful breastfeeding journey. Relax in your favorite spot and soak in all the love while you do the absolute best possible thing you can do for your growing, thriving, healthy baby!

Breastfeeding Basics for Beginners 101

All new mothers deserve better advice than just “Fed is Best” because breast milk matters. Breastfeeding matters. Women matter. Babies matter. The only thing that is “best” is what’s best for you as an individual mother and your unique baby. For me and millions of breastfeeding mothers, how we go about feeding our babies does matter. It matters a lot because breastfeeding is so much more than just nutrition.

I’ll share more about breastfeeding in my next several posts. Topics will include: who should breastfeed, why you should breastfeed, how to breastfeed and where you can breastfeed. We’ll also discuss trouble shooting some common breastfeeding problems. Please stay tuned.

Breastfeeding Basics for Beginners 101: Who Should Breastfeed and Why

I believe that all mothers and their babies should breastfeed. Virtually all women are able to breastfeed with the right information and support. Breastfeeding is such an important health benefit to infants that the World Health Organization strongly encourages all mothers to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months. Currently, worldwide only 38% of infants are exclusively breastfed for six months. WHO has set a nutritional public health goal for 2025 to increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months to at least 50% globally. So, I’m not the only one who thinks more mothers and their babies should and can successively breastfeed. I’m here to offer you information and support so that you can be brave enough to try breastfeeding and strong enough to be successful.

How we feed our children matters, and that’s why I encourage breastfeeding so strongly. There are many documented benefits of breast milk compared to the alternatives. Female human bodies make perfect milk full of exactly what growing baby humans need. With that being said, I also want all children to be fed without shaming mothers. If you find you are a part of the minority that are unable to breastfeed, you can try to pump and give your child breast milk in a bottle. If you are unable to produce and provide breast milk, there are breast milk donor banks nationwide that offer human milk for human babies.

Find a breast milk bank here:


Breastfeeding basics of breast milk.

Breast milk contains fats rich in brain building Omega 3s and it automatically adjusts to your infant’s unique needs as he or she grows. Breast milk is rich in brain and bodybuilding protein components which encourage healthy growth.

During breastfeeding, mother’s and baby’s bodies actually exchange information about your baby’s ever-changing nutritional needs. The composition of your milk is always changing. In the evening and during the night your breast milk contains sleep inducing proteins and trust me, that is a very good thing!

Breastfeeding helps protect your baby from getting sick. Breast milk is full of immunity boosting white blood cells. Your baby gets millions of them every time your nurse. When a mother is exposed to germs, her immune system creates antibodies to fight the germs and she passes the antibodies to her baby in that same milk.


A higher percentage of the Vitamins and minerals in breastmilk are actually absorbed when compared to artificial alternatives. Breast milk is also rich in digestive enzymes which promote intestinal health throughout your child’s life. Gut health is a multi million dollar industry full of pills and powders. By breastfeeding your baby, you are providing that same benefit and setting them up to live a healthy life without spending a dime.

Breast milk is rich in hormones which contribute to the overall biochemical balance and well-being of your baby. Breastfeeding stimulates hormones in both mother and baby that impact mood and sleeping and eating patterns. You’ve heard of milk drunk babies. Well, it’s a real thing and it has nothing to do with alcohol! It’s about the love and hormones flowing between you and your baby. A milk drunk baby with a full tummy dreaming in your arms is one of the best experiences in life. Savor those little moments, Mama. Drink it in and be sure to snap a cute picture.


The flavor of your milk will change based on what you eat, so you already have an opportunity to encourage healthy eating habits in your child by making healthy choices yourself. Make those healthy choices now and your baby will get a taste. Exposing your baby to a wide variety of flavors now will encourage him or her to explore diverse foods later. You might still end up with a picky eater, but breastfeeding helps turn the odds in your favor. Eating a healthy balanced diet and drinking lots of water will also help you maintain your milk supply. That’s another great win-win for you and baby.

Next time, I’ll share HOW to breastfeed including a wide variety of options for finding the position that works best for you and your little one. Later, we’ll talk about feeding on demand, and feeding when you are in public ,and troubleshooting for common problems.  Hopefully these basics in breastfeeding have helped so far. If they have, feel free to share!



What Nurses Need To Know Regarding Nutritional and Immunological Properties of Human Milk. Jae H. Kim,
Elizabeth B. Froh
Published in Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing; Volume 41, Issue 1. January/February 2012 Pages 122–137

World Health Organization

Breastfeeding and Human Lactation Fifth Edition Edited by Karen Wambach PhD, RN, IBCLC, FILCA and Jan Riordan, EdD, RN, IBCLC, FAAN pages 121-170

Breastfeeding: More Than Just Good Nutrition Pediatrics in Review July 2011, VOLUME 32 / ISSUE 7 Robert M. Lawrence, MD, FAAP  Ruth A. Lawrence, MD, DD (HON), FAAP

Bigelow, A.E., Power, M., Gillis, D.E., MacLellan-Peters, J., Alex, M., & McDonald, C. (2014). Breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and mother-infant interactions over infants’ first three months.  Infant Mental Health Journal, 35, 51-62.