What is Thai Yoga Bodywork?

The ancient art of Thai Yoga Bodywork has a calming and healing effect on the body and mind. It helps to balance our flow of energy (chi, ki, or prana) and works on both the superficial and deeper layers of muscles, ligaments, joints and connective tissue as well as the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems. Yoga-like stretches and compression along the sen lines to heal the body, mind and soul.
This ancient art is related to Indian Ayurveda, yoga, traditional Chinese medicine and Japanese shiatsu dating back thousands of years. Thai bodywork is still practiced widely in Thailand and catching on around the entire world.
What are the benefits of Thai Bodywork?
Thai bodywork benefits both the giver and receiver, leaving them feeling more open, stretched, refreshed and balanced. Combining the application of rhythmic compressions and gentle rocking presses along the legs, back and arms with deep stretching movements for each person. This balancing of energies creates a unique experience. Stress is released. Balance is restored. Whole body holistic therapy for overall good health.

Where can I get a Thai Yoga Massage?
Thai bodywork therapists can be found in most areas of the country. In the Tampa Bay area I am a Licensed massage therapist with certification in Northern style Thai massage therapy.