B Complex Injection Benefits in Plain English

B Complex Injection Benefits in Plain English

B Complex Injection at a Glance

A B complex injection is a combination of five B Vitamins that are taken by (IM) intramuscular injection. I will explain what the vitamins are, what they do for you and answer some common questions about this blend. I will also break down the types of vitamins in this injection in plain English. Not all b complex injections are created equal so I will explain the difference there too. At the very bottom of this article I will post sources in case you decide you want to see more technical explanations.

vitamin b complex injection

Vitamins in a B Complex Injection

B vitamins all play a vital role in your body and they are essential vitamins because you require them and your body cannot produce them naturally. I will break down each vitamin and what they do because that is the first step in understanding how important they are.

Vitamin B1– B1(Thiamine) is responsible for turning your food into energy aka your metabolism. It also helps regulate your immune response as well as your nervous system. If you don’t get enough vitamin b1 you may experience fatigue and loss of strength. B1 helps prevent a host of problems such as heart issues, nerve issues as well as diabetes.

Vitamin B3– B3(Niacin) is another important vitamin that serves several functions. This vitamin aids in metabolism, protecting your nervous system and repairing your DNA. If you don’t get enough B3 you may experience confusion, depression and skin or hair problems. B3 supplementation can help with skin issues, improve your mental function and it can also help with arthritis.

Vitamin B5– B5(Pantothenic Acid/Dexpanthenol) , like the other B vitamins, helps you with your metabolism and your nervous system in addition to the development of red blood cells. This vitamin also helps your digestive system and in clinical use B5 (Dexpanthenol) it is given to help revive your intestines after surgery. If you do not get enough vitamin B5 you may experience stomach pain, nausea and headaches.

Vitamin B6– B6(Pyridoxine) helps with red blood cell creation, metabolism, nervous system health and helps with processing Vitamin B9  (folic acid). B6 deficiency can lead to anemia, tingling in your feet and hands, mood swings and fatigue. You can also benefit your immune system and energy levels by making sure you have enough B6.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deserves its own section because some studies have shown that up to 40% of people may have a B12 deficiency. (source: Emax Health)

B12 deficiencies are caused by a number of potential issues, some are health related and others can be age related or medicine related. I will make it easy for you look over the list so you can see if you fall into any of these categories.

Vegetarian Diet
Over 50 Years Old
Low Stomach Acid
Celiac Disease
Food Allergies
Eating Disorders
Use of Acid Blockers
Taking Oral Birth Control Pills
Use of Metformin
Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia
Pernicious Anemia
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Stomach Surgery
Inetestinal Bacteria Overgrowth
Peptic Ulcer
Transcobalamin Deficiency

This a pretty lengthy list and almost of all it is caused by not being able to absorb enough B12 or simply not getting enough B12.

I want to point out that vitamin B12 comes in certain forms and they act differently when taken. Methylcobalamin is the “pure” form of vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin is the form that still requires your body to turn it into Methyl B12. If you have a condition that makes it difficult to convert Cyano B12 to Methly B12 then you may still suffer from a deficiency. Pernicious Anemia is a condition that prevents the conversion of Cynao B12, therefore you need the Methyl B12.

Symptoms of a B12 deficiency includes:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Weakness and tiredness
  • Movement disorders
  • Depression
  • Stomach issues
  • Anxiety
  • Chest Pain
  • Many more

B12 converts food to energy, assists in fat and carb metabolism, supports you brain and nervous system and helps with digestion. Benefits of B12 includes increasing energy and weight loss, Alzheimer, bursitis as well as Chron’s disease . It also is used to supplement a strict vegetarian or vegan diet. If you want a more detailed version of everything B12 does you can see it in my B12 injection guide.

B Complex Injection FAQ

Where can I buy B Complex Injections? This is a very common question that I am going to break into three parts. First, people want a fair price. Second, people want a quality product. Third, people want excellent support and service. Therefore I am going to suggest a reputable company that check ALL of the boxes on this list. My recommendation is Ikon Health. They are a real clinic located in Washington state with real medical professionals that provide their products nationwide! You can visit them by clicking HERE.

You can purchase your product, get an online evaluation and get your product shipped to you quickly. Without the outrageous expense or hassle of going to a clinic. Moreover, their B complex injection is infused with a Lipo blend. This blend has a host of other benefits which also includes weight loss and energy!check b complex pricing

What is a Vitamin B complex injection used for? People use them for several reasons. Sometimes they use them for general health reasons. Other times they use them to supplement certain diets. Some people use it for energy and weight loss. Finally, they are used prevent or treat actual medical issues.

How long does a Vitamin B complex injection last? Most people use them once or twice a week and they generally go based on how they feel.

Are Vitamin B Complex injections Dangerous? B vitamins are an essential vitamin and it is water soluble. All this means is that any “unused” vitamin B passes through your system when you go to the restroom. Above all, you should be sure to communicate with your medical professional on proper dosage to avoid any issues or side effects.


I hope you found the information you were looking for here but if not I have created a list of sources that will help you learn more about vitamin B complex injections. You can also share this information or simply leave a comment below if you have questions or enjoyed this article.
