Buy Real US Peptides Online
As promised real US peptides from legit suppliers, direct from the pharmacy. Each vendor has it’s advantages which will be addressed next to the product. I do not post prices because sometimes they may change prices up or down and I am not going to be checking their prices daily.
Which bodybuilding peptides are best for muscle mass?
Buy the Best Peptides for Muscle Growth

With the proper caloric intake and weight lifting routine these peptides will increase muscle mass and athletic performance.
Ibutamoren (MK-677)
The bodybuilding peptide that is not a peptide. This Ghrelin agonist has shown significant improvement in muscle mass in study subjects. Additionally, it does tend to increase hunger which makes it ideal for hard gainers. Those not needing the appetite increase simply can take it before bed. Ibuatmoren also facilitates deeper and more restful sleep. Finally, Ibutamoren is effective in recovering from injuries, which is common in bodybuilders.
Ibutamoren is also extremely effective during calorie restriction.. MK-677 research has shown that study participants taking the peptide were able to maintain muscle mass when compared to a placebo group. In fact, Ibutamoren was able to sustain volunteers who went on a very low calorie diet. They proved that MK-677 reverses diet induced nitrogen wasting.
Another benefit is it did not change cortisol levels vs the placebo group. Finally, MK-677 maintained elevated GH and IGF-levels 5 days after the last dose.
I would simply advise you to take Ibutamoren before bed to enjoy the sleep benefits and skip the increased hunger many experience.
This drug is a very effective muscle building peptide that is a popular among athletes. It promotes lean muscle gain without the extra hunger and it is not prone to increasing cortisol. High levels of cortisol can result in entering a catabolic state which hinders muscle growth. There is no sense in working to build muscle mass only to lose them through elevated cortisol levels.
CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin peptide stack
The CJC-1295/Ipamorelin stack has quickly become a favorite of bodybuilders. The GHRH/GHRP synergy promotes almost superhuman levels of your own growth hormone in your blood stream. Separately the peptides work well for lean gains but together they can be transformational.
CJC-1295 stimulates the growth hormone pulse directly. While this peptide will help you gain muscle, it is also an excellent fat burner with a long half-life. Studies have shown that a single dose of CJC-1295 can elevate GH levels for 6 days and IGF-1 levels for even longer!
Ipamorelin does the same by stimulating GHRH’s to act and it doubles down by blocking somatostastin. This dual action promotes a frequent and long-lasting GH pulse and releases even more of the hormone and IGF-1.
Both peptides promote clean muscle gains and together the result is amplified.

Buy CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin peptide stack online from Ikon
Best peptide stack for muscle building and weight loss. Combining the two peptides you will boost your GH levels to nearly superhuman levels. Melts fat off and accelerates lean muscle gains.
Comes in 2 strengths: CJC-1295/Ipamorelin- 2/2mg or 4/4mg save $20 or $30 respectively by choosing auto-fill
Bodybuilding peptides for weight loss

Growth hormone peptides are not always thought of as weight loss aids because Muscle growth and weight loss don’t always go hand in hand. That said, the key to losing weight is to lose fat and maintaining quality muscle. These peptides have proven to be the best peptides for fat loss and muscle sparing which results in quality weight loss.
Buy the Best Peptides for Weight Loss
A couple of the peptides that made the best peptides for weight loss list are shown above. Growth hormone naturally increases fat metabolism so the trick to losing weight is to lower your calories. The GH boosting that these peptides provide will keep you from losing mass in the process. MK-677 has been studied with extreme caloric deficits and those on MK-677 prevented muscle loss. The CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin peptide stack also works well for fat loss with or without a calorie deficit. Obviously, a slight decrease in calories will accelerate results.
This is true for most GH peptides. If you are not looking to gain or lose muscle yet shed fat quickly the product below is what you are looking for.
AOD-9604 (Anti-Obesity Drug 9604)
This drug is not one of the typical bodybuilding peptides but AOD-9604 is an excellent peptide for weight loss and losing fat. AOD-9604 does not possess the muscle building properties of growth hormone or other peptides but it does possess the healing and fat destroying properties of growth hormone.
The peptide does prevent muscle wasting though so if you are simply looking to maintain mass while shedding fat, AOD-9604 might be the one for you.

Buy AOD 9604 online through Diet Doc
No charge until approval, weight loss coach and nutritionist available. AOD 9604 is known for attacking and eliminating fat, especially around the mid section! Perfect for those not wanting to bulk up yet keep the muscle they do have. Very well tolerated GH product with no adverse effects reported!
30 day supply 600mcg
Buy the Best Peptides for Anti-Aging
Tried and true, the grandfather of the peptides continues to remain popular. Sermorelin is for females and males so check it out!

Buy Sermorelin online through Diet Doc
Time tested and reliable, Sermorelin remains a staple of the Anti-Aging industry. No charge until you are approved. Weight loss coach and nutritionist available for ongoing support. Burn fat, experience healthier skin, burn fat and regain muscle with Sermorlin. Turn back the clock today!
9mg vial
Best bodybuilding peptide for healing

Injuries can be life altering for anyone and they can sideline a competitor for quite a while. Even a slight setback at work or at the gym in the form of a strain, tear or back injury can derail future events and overall quality of life.
Buy the Best Peptides for Recovery and Healing
While not a true bodybuilding peptide it is still a peptide that can be very useful for competitors and the average Joe that has nagging injuries.
BPC-157 stands for Body Protecting Compound 157 and it does exactly that. This peptide has also been very well tolerated with digestion changes being one of the reported side effects.
BPC-157 has immunomodulatory properties, it alters HPA axis development, binds to GH receptor sites on soft tissue and stimulate fibroblast production to expedite healing, stimulates angiogenesis, increases calcium levels in bones, increases red blood cell production, increase Neurotrophic Growth Factor. What all of that fancy talk means is that it can turn you from Mr. Glass to Wolverine.

Buy BPC-157 online through Ikon
Accelerate healing of bones, tendons, muscle and nervous system. Increase blood flow to injured areas, heals burns, protects organs and prevents ulcers. Multiple ordering options.
5ml vial 2mg p/ml or oral one month supply- save $20 per month on oral with auto-fill option
Thymosin Alpha 1
Do you ever feel lethargic, weak or experience flu like symptoms after intense workouts? If so, Thymosin Alpha 1 might be just what the doctor ordered.
Thymosin Alpha 1 recently received a bit of news due to treatment results during the Covid epidemic. Studies showed that patients with acute Covid cases had significantly less mortality while being treated with Thymosin Alpha 1. Thymosin Alpha 1 is a powerful peptide that improves immune cell production and function. Studies show that it fights infection, helps against certain forms of cancer, increases vaccine effectiveness and reduces oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is what causes the side effects of intense work outs or over training. Thymosin Alpha 1 reduces oxidative damage allowing you to feel better and get back in the gym sooner.

Buy Thymosin Alpha 1 online through Ikon
Over-training can lead to missed workouts. Don’t let this happen to you with the powerful immune system boosting power of Thymosin Alpha 1. So powerful that when tested on patients critically ill with Covid TA-1 significantly improved mortality rates! Prevents oxidative stress, boosts production of T cells, heals burns, attacks cancer cells and fight infections.
5ml vial/2.5mg per ml 30 day supply- order singe vial or save with auto-fill option