If you have made it to the guide then it is safe to assume you have purchased and received your HCG. Now you are trying to properly mix your HCG, get the dosage correct and figure out how to take and where to inject the product. If none of the above applies to you, then I suggest you take a look at some of the other guides first.
First, take a look at this guide if you do not know what the HCG diet is. It is quite lengthy to be honest, but there is a lot of information covered in just one post.
Second, if you know about the HCG diet at this point but haven’t ordered any yet read this guide to learn about the HCG buying process and what to expect with your HCG kit.
Third, if you are wondering what type of results to expect you can browse my HCG diet before and after post or you can see my friends 30lbs lost in one month post. Just so you know, I took a different approach to the diet, which I explain in my low-calorie diet and exercise post.
Assuming you already are dialed in and have your product, lets get down to business, shall we?
HCG Mixing Solutions
In my buying guide I go over the HCG diet kit that you should receive in the mail. But in case you didn’t read it you should get: a vial (or two) of (lyophilized) powdered HCG, Bacteriostatic water or Vitamin B12, a mixing syringe, a pack (or more) of insulin syringes, alcohol prep pads, gauze and sometimes you get some small band aids.
Vitamin B12 is a red liquid and usually is an upgrade to your HCG order. Some people like to use B12 as a mixing solution instead of the bacteriostatic water for the added energy or to remove any concerns about a b12 deficiency while on the very low-calorie portion (phase 2) of the diet.
Note that once you mix the solution with the lyophilized HCG it will either be clear or pink depending on if you used water or B12. These mixing instructions are for mixing 5000iu vials of HCG with 5ml (or cc’s) of solution. They do come in 6000iu vials and 10000iu vials also.

HCG Mixing Instructions
Time needed: 5 minutes
How to mix your HCG
- Cleaning prep
Sanitize you work area and hands and allow them to air dry
- Get your HCG kit together
Gather the supplies you received with your HCG kit and place them in sanitized area
- Prep mixing syringe
Locate your mixing syringe (the big one) and make sure the needle is secure on the syringe with a slight twist
- Get your vials ready
Remove cap from mixing solution vial and powdered HCG vial (there should be a thin piece of rubber that remains on the vials)
- Clean your vial tops
Using the alcohol prep pads wipe down the tops of the vials and remove the cap from the mixing syringe
- Put syringe into mixing solution
Draw some air into your mixing syringe then insert the needle into you mixing solution as you hold the vial upside down
- Pull solution into syringe
Still holding the vial upside down slowly draw out 5ml of mixing solution. Sometimes you get an air bubble here, slowly push the air back into the mixing solution and draw the solution out until you get 5ml.
- Put solution into powdered HCG vial
Remove the syringe and insert the needle into the powdered HCG vial (NOTE: hold onto the plunger, sometimes there is a little pressure inside the syringe and you don’t want your mixing solution rushing in. It should go in nice and slowly)
- Mix the solution with the HCG
Remove the mixing syringe and gently roll the HCG vial in between your hands until the powder dissolves. (Note: Do not shake, this is not a Martini)
- Properly store your HCG until use
Once mixed store in the refrigerator (Note: Some people like to cover their mixed HCG but I have not seen a single reputable source that requires it or states that it hurts the HCG to be exposed to the light of the fridge. But if it makes you feel better, go for it.)
Proper HCG Dosage
How much HCG you inject daily will depend on what your physician says your plan calls for. But just to be helpful I will put up a chart to help you along after I cover a few things.
First of all, HCG is measured by IU or international units. The most common HCG vials I have seen are 5000iu, 6000iu and 10000iu. Depending on how you reconstitute the vial the amount you draw into the insulin syringe may vary.
Also, keep in mind that ml and cc are the same. ML means milliliters and CC means cubic centimeters but it is the same measurement. So, a 1ml syringe is holds the same amount of reconstituted HCG as a 1cc syringe. The insulin syringes also come in different sizes with the most common being .3ml, .5ml and 1ml or 30 units, 50 units and 100 units.
The marking may be different too. For example, some are marked in units and others in hundredths which you will recognize with decimals on the barrel of the syringe. It’s not a big deal as they are the same, but you have to know the difference. The syringe with the decimals is not an actual insulin syringe, so instead of seeing 10, 15 and 20 on the barrel you will see .1, .2 and .3. Just pretend the decimal is not there and ad a 0 at the end and that is the units you have. Example, if you draw .2 of HCG in one syringe it is the same as 20 units of HCG in the other.
Depending on how much mixing solution you put in the HCG vial will determine how much HCG you are getting per dose. In my HCG mixing instruction guide above we put 5ml of mixing solution into 5000iu of HCG then each ml has 1000iu.

HCG Injection Dosage Chart
IUs of HCG Vial | Amount of mixing solution (ml or cc) | Injection amount for 125 IU (ml or cc) | Injection amount for 150 IU (ml or cc) | Injection amount for 1.75 IU (ml or cc) | Injection amount for 200 IU (ml or cc) |
5000 | 5 | 12.5 units or .125ml | 15 units or .15ml | 17.5 units or .175ml | 20 units or .20ml |
5000 | 10 | 25 units or .25ml | 30 units or .30ml | 35 units or .35ml | 40 units or .40ml |
6000 | 5 | 10.4 units or .104ml | 12.5 units or .125ml | 14.5 units or .145ml | 16.6 units or .166mll |
6000 | 10 | 20.8 units or .208ml | 25 units or .25ml | 29.1 units or .291ml | 33.3 units or .333ml |
10000 | 5 | 6.25 units or .0625ml | 7.5 units or .075ml | 8.75 units or .0875ml | 10 units or .10ml |
10000 | 10 | 12.5 units or .125ml | 15 units or .15ml | 17.5 units or .175ml | 20 units or .20ml |
You can check your math pretty easily. Here is the formula for calculating your HCG dosage based on how much mixing solution you used.
IUs of your HCG vial divided by the ml’s of the mixing solution you used. Then you take the strength of the dose and divide it by the strength of your HCG by IU. So, let’s say you get a 5000 IU vial of HCG and you add 5ml of mixing solution you get 1000 IU of HCG per ML. Make sense so far?
Now assuming you want to take 175 IU of HCG daily you would divide 175 by 1000 which would give you .175 ml or 17.5 units. The difference in figures depends on the type of syringe you get. Insulin syringes come in units and you will see whole numbers. Therefore, the 10 stands for 10 units the 15 for 15 units etc.…
That said, whoever you ordered your HCG kit from such provide you with the HCG injection dosage. Now that you know how much HCG to take and how to mix it, let’s look at how and where to inject your HCG.
How and where to Inject HCG (With Video)
HCG injections are usually taken as a subcutaneous shot, otherwise known as sub-q. This means the shot is given just under the skin and above the muscle. Most HCG injection kits come with 5/16” insulin syringes which means they are very small and (to me) are painless.
Administering your HCG Injections
- Gather your HCG, insulin syringe, alcohol prep pads, gauze and band aids and set them on a clean, sterile surface.
- Wash and dry your hands and use alcohol prep pad to wipe down the injection site, the rubber top on your HCG vial and the needle of your syringe.
- Take the syringe and allow a little air in by pulling back on the plunger. With your other hand take the HCG vial then insert the needle into the rubber top of your HCG vial.
- Turn vial upside down and slowly push the air into the solution.
- Pull the plunger slowly until you get the appropriate dose into your syringe, then remove the needle from the vial. (Note: if you pull an air bubble into the syringe, just slowly push the plunger until it goes back into the vial. Then resume drawing the solution into the syringe. Also, once you have removed the needle from the vial, if you still have some air bubbles hold the syringe needle point up. The air will float to the top. Then SLOWLY push the air out and you are ready to inject!)
- Hold the syringe in one hand and pinch the skin around your injection site and insert the needle at a 45- or 90-degree angle.
- Slowly depress the plunger using a three count until your syringe is empty.
- Pull the needle out and release the pinched skin. Do not rub or massage the area afterwards. If you see blood, take the gauze and hold it lightly against the area. If necessary, you can apply a band aid to the injection site.
- Discard the needle in a Sharps container.
That’s it you are done! Below you will find the best HCG injection sites and a video showing what I just explained.

Sub-Q HCG Injection Sites
There are four great HCG injections sites, choose those that work best for you.
Belly/Lower Abdomen Area
This is probably the most popular area since we typically carry plenty of fat here and it is easy to get to. This area will be roughly around the belly button area but above your pubic area. Be sure to stay an inch away from your belly button.
Stick to the front or outer thigh. Again, it is easy to get to but be sure you get a hold of fat and skin. You don’t want to go into the muscle.
The side or back of your upper arm works too. You have to be plastic man or made of rubber to reach it though. This might be a good spot to take the injection if you have a partner or friend do it for you.
Conclusion of HCG Mixing/Dosage and Injection Tutorial
Hopefully you found this step-by-step guide helpful. Just one thing, if your HCG provider did not give you the appropriate instructions then I suggest you find another. I have a review right here for one that I trust and recommend.