A Word About HCG Prescriptions
The HCG prescription section is a continuation of the What is the HCG Diet and the HCG Weight Loss section of the HCG Diet Manifesto.
Here I will cover how to find a legitimate HCG diet company and give you tips to protect yourself from scams. In addition, I will point out at least one company that is 100% online that shows up for local HCG diet clinics. Not surprisingly some people have taken to misrepresentation and use unethical tactics to increase sales. I uncovered one online HCG diet clinic showing up for several local search terms which is not bad by itself.
But, I mention this because they sell HCG injections online yet the user thinks they are a local business. If you have not read part I and part II yet, it is helpful and lays the foundation for this post. I do go into great detail here just to make sure you make a good decision when you are looking to buy prescription HCG.
Table of Contents

Order Prescription HCG Online
Order with confidence! NO charge until after medical consultation, full diet support.
The Dark Side of the HCG Industry
We have covered most of the ins and outs of HCG and the HCG diet in part I and II, it is time for an in depth look at the HCG industry as a whole. This will include government agencies, credit card companies, merchant processing companies, counterfeit HCG sellers, affiliates, HCG clinics, online prescription HCG sellers. By the time you are done with this section you will know what to look out for if you decide to buy HCG and give the diet a try.
As a former employee for a company that was selling prescription HCG injections online, I got to witness first hand some of the legal issues involved in selling the product. I also got to see how they respond to these issues and recognize when a competitor was going through the same challenges.
In addition to that I have had direct communication with affiliates and the owners of our competitors through email, phone calls and even in person in some cases.
I will begin with the group that I feel is the most unethical of them all.
Online OTC HCG Drops or Pill Websites and Retailers
I have already covered this group briefly in the other parts of this guide but I think it is important to say it again.When you buy HCG pills, tablets or drops from a store or website that does not require a prescription, you are not getting HCG. It is not just the fact that you are paying money for this fake product that should concern you either.
If you have read everything I have written so far and you feel that HCG might be effective as a weight loss aid, why would you pay for a product that will not benefit you? If you accept the premise that HCG may help control hunger by stimulating leptin and it may help with changing your body composition through a hormone response, why would you do the HCG diet without HCG?
Yet despite it being illegal to sell homeopathic HCG and market HCG without a prescription as “HCG for weight loss” there are companies that still do exactly that!
The best-case scenario is that you go on the diet, lose weight but you don’t gain any additional benefit. The worst-case scenario is that that product or the diet makes you ill. Either way it is not a good result and you won’t have access to a medical professional in the event you have questions or concerns.
Over the counter HCG without a prescription is fake and contains no HCG.
HCG Affiliates
Affiliates are just people like you or me that discuss or promote a product in exchange for a small commission if the customer buys a product. The purchase does not cost you more but the affiliate gets rewarded for sending you to that company to make the purchase.
A good example that you are already familiar with is Amazon. When you look for a product review 9 out of 10 times you have arrived at an Amazon affiliate website. If you read the review, like the product and then click over to Amazon and buy the item, that affiliate gets a commission and you paid no more or less than you would have before. Same concept.
Affiliates are not usually bad. They are simply trying to provide information that might help the consumer and if they are lucky, make a few dollars in the process.
There are a few types of affiliates:
Some affiliates still promote the non prescription HCG and by now they must know it is fake. Stay away from them for the same reasons you would stay away from the actual business selling these products.
The other types of affiliates are some combination of social media, brand ambassador, information provider/researcher and reviewer.
Helpful but sometimes misinformed or inexperienced
Most of these affiliates do a bit of all of these things but they are particularly strong in one area. For example, a fact provider/research type may not be as strong in the social aspect or review end of the spectrum. Meanwhile, the social media expert/reviewer might not present information in a way that some people can easily understand. Also, sometimes they get their facts wrong.
Remember when I mentioned in part I, that one of our affiliates was using pregnancy tests to check the purity of prescription HCG? It was one of the social media/review type affiliates that caused the ruckus. This misinformation created quite a headache for us in the office. It also resulted in a ton of wasted time as well as several ticked off customers.
The other side of that situation however is that someone who is only providing data and research may never have used the product and or been around the product. This usually means most of the information they are providing is second hand.
Neither of these are bad, they are just different. They also provide a service by presenting the information you might not be able to find on the vendors website. It also saves you time from spending hours researching on your own. Now that you understand what an affiliate is lets look at the companies that actually do sell HCG.
Most affiliates provide helpful information all in one place.
Local HCG Clinics when searching prescription HCG
Brick and mortar HCG clinics exist near most major cities in the USA. They have an office you go to and a staff you see while you are there.The benefit of local HCG clinics is that there will be a medical professional that is licensed to do business in your state. You should receive some guidance and coaching with the plan as well as some result tracking.This does not always make them better unfortunately.
First of all, they will usually be more expensive but price should not be your only deciding factor. Service should be at the top of your list too. Especially since you are probably going to pay 3-4 times the cost of prescription HCG you can buy online.
The service issue does not always translate to satisfaction however, even though you are face to face with them. Here is an example of one local clinic with some terrible BBB reviews. Some of the complaints include, bait and switch, high pressure sales tactics, unnecessary testing and sometimes being charged for products they do not receive.
Just like most brick-and-mortar businesses, there are good ones and not so good ones. You have to decide for yourself if you are more comfortable with paying a premium price to be seen by a medical professional in person. If you don’t mind traveling to the location for weekly check ins you will receive some face-to-face coaching. On the other hand, you may have to deal with employees that are trained to pitch additional products to current clients. You have to decide what you are comfortable with when making this decision.
Online HCG Clinics
This is the area where I have most expertise. I got to see operations from the inside, meet with physicians, listen to staff and deal with customers. In addition, I got to see how regulations affected the business, how issues were responded to and recognize when a competitor was having issues.
One of the big problems with online HCG clinics is that you cannot visit them. They can be located anywhere in the country and usually are not a health-care facility. If you decide to buy HCG injections online you will have enough information to make a wise buying decision by the end of this section.
HCG Diet Near Me- Take a Look at This Tactic

This site shows up for HCG diet near me and HCG injections near me.
Their physical address is a UPS store.
This is why I am writing this piece. I have years of experience in the HCG industry I can I can sniff out companies that are being shady.
This is an example of an online seller trying to masquerade as a real, local clinic.The image posted is a screenshot of a local search result, I removed the address and phone number but both are listed. When I checked the address, it came up as a UPS store. What this website is doing is targeting local areas in order to appear in Google business search results for HCG searches. So, if you search “HCG clinics in New York”, “HCG Injections Near Me” or “HCG Clinic Near Me” they are appearing as a real clinic in that area.
The truth is they are posing as a local business and they have no real location to visit. My thought process immediately changes when I see results like this. If they are pretending to be a real clinic then what other shady tactics are they using?
I then went through the ordering process stopping short of entering my credit card information. What I found was that I could get all the way to the payment screen without providing any medical information. All of the online prescription HCG sellers that I know have some sort of medical form before the payment screen.
Another Clue this is a Fake HCG Diet Near Me Clinic
Last but not least, they only accept two forms of payment. VISA and AMEX and you get a discount if you use AMEX. This is highly unusual because AMEX charges a processing fee of 2.5% to 3.5% and VISA charges 1.5% to 2.5%. In other words, this vendor is willing to give you a discount and pay an extra fee to AMEX if you use them.
Do you want to know why they are probably doing that? VISA may not allow them to process those transaction in the USA. So, this website probably has setup an overseas merchant processor for VISA payments. These overseas processors are often in China and they are not only more expensive than domestic credit card companies, they usually have a lengthy hold on the money. Sometimes these holds can be as long as 30 days or more.
That is strike three in my book. Pretending to be a local clinic, no medical form before my credit card info and little to no domestic credit card processing just reeks of a shady operation.
I would not trust that I was getting real HCG or that they even have a medical professional on their staff. Who knows where they are even getting their product? While I won’t name or review this HCG company, needless to say I wouldn’t trust them even with a coupon code! If you look hard enough you will even see BBB reviews stating mail sent to them came back undeliverable.
Stay away from sites that openly try to deceive the public.
The Other Types of Online Prescription HCG Clinics
When it comes to the other types of online HCG clinics, they often come in two forms.One does everything possible to provide your HCG in a legal and ethical manner. The other type does everything possible to make as much money as they can as quickly as they can.
When it comes to enforcing Federal and State laws the agencies involved in monitoring these industries sometimes can move slowly. This can be because they are flying under the radar or the agency does not have the funding to investigate these businesses when they may have other more pressing issues to investigate. You will be able to identify both types by the time you are done. Sometimes you won’t know until after you order though, so pay attention to early warning signs.
Signs Your Online Clinic is Doing Things the Right Way
These are guidelines and not hard and fast rules because things are constantly changing in the industry. But if you see more than a few of these signs you should evaluate if really you want to buy your HCG from this clinic.
Medical Form
Real pharmaceutical HCG is a prescription only product. A doctor can only prescribe you medication if they have some sort of medical history, provided by the patient.
Medical Consultation
Good online HCG clinics will give you a telemedicine consult either online or by phone. It does not have to be complicated however, this consultation can happen by phone call, text, email or chat. The important part is that a real medical professional is involved in the process.
Buying HCG for weight loss sometimes requires some help. They should tailor your program to your needs. This may include calories based on your height and weight as well as dosage. Should you have questions during your program you should have access to trained professionals through the clinic you used. Examples include certified nutritionists and weight loss coaches.
Payment options
While credit card companies and merchant processing companies can be wishy washy regarding what types of transactions they allow, it might be worth taking a closer look at a company before you buy. They may try to steer you into paying by check online or over the phone because they do not have any credit card options. There is nothing wrong with adding options such as an E check or PayPal but if those are the only two options, something went wrong. Credit card companies provide an extra layer of protection through their dispute process in case the merchant does not live up to their end of the bargain. Really reputable online clinics won’t even charge you until AFTER the consultation. After all, it is a prescription product, why charge you before you have been approved by the doctor?
Source of the HCG Prescription
Your HCG should come to you directly from a US based pharmacy every time. Be sure to check the return label and reference the address to the source. If the address provided is NOT an actual pharmacy, then I would be concerned. A simple Google search of the address will show you who it is almost all of the time. You can even go to maps and see an image of the business if you want to.
Signs Your Online Clinic May NOT Be Doing Things the Right Way

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Be sure you are buying prescription HCG legally from an ethical business.
Due to the changing nature of the HCG industry some of these signs may not be anything to worry about. But seeing several of these problems should have you looking towards other options. The list is basically the same but, in this section, I am going to offer different explanations.
Medical Form
As an online clinic providing a prescription product there should always be a medical form. It is preferable if it appears early in the checkout process too. It really makes no sense to me to ask you for money before you have filled out the forms.
Medical Consultation
A medical consultation is not just some nameless or faceless person clicking “approved” on your online medical form. A consultation should involve some form of communication with with the prescribing medical professional. This doesn’t happen all of the time for various reasons. Sometimes the online clinic has just one doctor. That is not necessarily a problem by itself but that same doctor may have an actual practice too.
This means they do not have the time to spend all day chasing down a dozen patients to give them their consultation. The end result is that the doctor either just goes through and clicks “approved” or “declined” with no further communication. Or worse some office staff, probably with no medical training, does it for them. Either way this is not ideal. You are probably getting the same cookie cutter program no matter what your needs are. In this scenario a 5’6″ 300lb man might be eating the same calories and using the same dosage as a 5’7″ 195 lb. woman.
If you run into a problem, experience side effects or are having a problem getting through the program you need a pro. Would you want to speak to a sales person or customer service rep? Or would you prefer to speak to doctor, nurse, nutritionist or weight loss coach? The support side of the HCG diet program is more important than the ordering side of the program. A medical professional should be answering your medical HCG questions.
Payment options
If an online clinic has very few payment options that means they may have fallen out of favor with the merchant account companies or the credit card company. Sometimes this might be industry wide. For example, a particular credit card company may decide they no longer will process HCG purchases. But sometimes it means the company did something wrong, especially when other companies can accept those forms of payment.
Source of the HCG Prescription
If your HCG is not coming directly from a pharmacy then it is probably being shipped from that clinic’s office. This is probably illegal. This happens when the pharmacy not licensed to do business in a particular state. What happens is the online HCG vendor then buys bulk HCG directly from the pharmacy. They then store and ship the HCG from their office to your address. The way this online operation does that is by buying “In Office Use” or “Office Stock” HCG. Much like the fake clinic I pointed out earlier in this section, this type of behavior is very similar. Instead of trying to trick customers into thinking they are a real brick and mortar clinic they are acting as if they are a brick-and-mortar clinic to be able to send HCG to states the pharmacy cannot.
The pharmacy can be fined, shut down or even prosecuted if they ship prescription HCG to states they cannot do business. The online company solves this by sending the product from their own office instead. However, in office use means exactly that. It is intended to be used when a patient is in the doctor’s office and they provide the medicine on the spot. It is a face-to-face transaction which is why it is called “Office Use”.
In office use requires a special license and it requires inspection from the agencies that oversee these operations. The reason that this is important is because just like food, drugs require special storage and handling techniques. Without inspections there is no way to verify the storage and handling conditions of your HCG.
Evaluate your options
My advice to you is if you see one of these issues, take a closer look. If you spot two of these issues become skeptical and prepare to look for another source. Three issues almost guarantee you are going to be getting an inferior level of service or worse. Unfortunately, not all of these issues will become obvious until after you have paid for or received the product. That is why I would look for something else by the time I see two signs of potential trouble.
The best online HCG clinics have a medical form that is filled out before or at the time you are entering payment information, has multiple payment options, provide a real consultation that tailors a program just for you, always send HCG directly from the pharmacy and has ongoing coaching and support options provided by industry professionals. I wrote an online HCG clinic review about the business I trust the most based on working directly in the industry.
Only buy HCG online from a reputable source that provides ongoing professional support.
Prescription HCG and Regulations
The online HCG industry can be very complicated and difficult to manage for a variety of reasons. It has become so difficult, expensive or risky that four different companies that I know pretty well have stopped selling HCG completely. Instead, they have begun to offer alternative products for weight loss. HCG wasn’t just some obscure product in their catalog either. It was the best selling product on their website. Prescription HCG products are regulated by Federal agencies in addition to State agencies. Each state is different when it comes to their requirements as well.
In addition, pharmacies all have a set of rules to follow in each state. Doctors also have a set of rules to follow in each state. So, it is possible that the doctor can write a prescription legally in a certain state but the pharmacy cannot deliver to that state. The reverse is also true. The pharmacy may be licensed to do business in a state that the physician is not allowed to prescribe medicine. The process of applying for licenses in every state is time consuming and expensive. Even then there is no guarantee that the doctor or the pharmacy will have their credentials approved.
For this reason, some online HCG clinics have chosen not to sell in certain states, sell product illegally or have given up all together.
HCG by prescription reclassified
Additionally, HCG was reclassified as a biologic product in 2020. This means that compounding pharmacies cannot make HCG unless they apply and are approved for a license for biologic products. What this means for the industry and is that prescription HCG is going to be harder and more expensive to purchase.
In fact, it might not be terribly long before HCG sold as weight loss products go away all together.
HCG is strictly regulated at the Federal and State level.
The Cost of Obesity
More than two out of three Americans are overweight or obese with the numbers climbing every year. Weight control problems contribute to several ailments that threaten to shorten lives or burden the population with chronic conditions requiring frequent doctor visits and expensive medications. Overweight individuals often must undergo delicate surgical procedures that require rehabilitation in order to extend their lives.
Health problems are not the only consequence of an overweight population.
Medical and insurance costs are rising due to health issues related to carrying excess weight. Yet most insurance companies do not approve medications strictly for weight lo. They consider weight loss products “lifestyle medications” and will not begin to cover a policy holder until they develop an associated condition.
The mental cost is high as well. How many lives have been ruined due to weight issues? What have weight issues done to contribute to depression or anxiety? How has it affected the quality of life for millions of people? Who has skipped functions because of weight related self-esteem issues?
HCG Diet Manifesto Conclusion
You have reached the conclusion of my insiders look at the HCG diet industry.
I hope you found the information within this document helpful in some way. At the very least you should have a broad understanding of HCG, the protocol, the warning signs of counterfeit products and how to identify the best vendors for HCG with a prescription. My goal is not to convince nor dissuade you from buying HCG. There are several alternatives available to those that are having trouble losing weight through diet and exercise alone.