Riverfront MD and Online HCG
I have mentioned a few time on this site that I have years of experience dealing with HCG online. Riverfront MD is a provider that I know that deals with HCG Shots and other Lipotropics so I feel that I should give you a brief rundown.
If you want to read my other HCG Articles take a look at:
Important: Riverfront no longer sells HCG online. Visit my choice for HCG shots by selecting the pricing and availability button below to visit My Diet Doc. Or read the my diet doc review here.New! First time buyers get 10% off their order of HCG through this button. No coupon needed.
My Thoughts on Riverfront MD
If you looked at the links above you would know that I do have experience in the field and do care about our readers. That being said, I am confident in Riverfrontmd.com
HCG is a prescription product and I know to do an honest business selling Buy HCG SHOTS from the US online you must deal with a reputable pharmacy.
While I have not been to Washington yet from Florida to deal with them in person, I have spoken to them almost every day. The reason I speak with them is to make sure I have access to people who run the company. I don’t like dealing with people in service or sales because they tend to give you the answers they are told.
Buying HCG Online
Buying your HCG injections online can be tossup. There are plenty of HCG shot providers from all corners of the globe willing to sell it to you. But I am a believer that you stick to what you know works and is safe. For example, there are site out there from overseas that will sell you what they call HCG at a steep discount. These “pharmacies” do not have the controls or standards of US based HCG pharmacies. This type of pharmacy might have better standards, or they may be worse. I am not willing to gamble my health when I am going to inject a hormone in my body.
Furthermore, you will find companies selling homeopathic or over the counter HCG. I have terrible news for you, there is no such thing as OTC or homeopathic HCG. HCG “activators” are also a fake products. HCG is a prescription product and can only be purchased through a reputable company. The USA is the country I choose to buy my HCG shots, drops and pellets from.
Back to Riverfront MD
As I said about Riverfront MD. I trust this source. I have spoken to them several times. The purity tests for the HCG is spot on and they do a thorough evaluation.
Last but not least, Riverfront MD is a reliable source of other weight loss and anti aging options
If you want to try them all you have to do is click HERE to be taken to the page. You don’t have to use a coupon or anything like that for the low price but to get the additional deal please do not forget to input the code.
Riverfront MD also carries Lipotropic injections, B12 shots and anti aging peptides if HCG is not your thing.
Good Company excellent product.
Losing Weight with HCG Shots
I have lost considerable weight using HCG shot from US pharmacies. I would not suggest it as a lifelong experience but I would recommend it a few times in your life. Especially if you have tried other methods and come up short of your goals. At some point you have to take the bull by the horns but that 1st step can be a hard one.
Let me make it a bit easier for you. This is me, before an after HCG injections from a US pharmacy. While I did not lose every pound on HCG, I lost quite a bit in under a month on it. I would say, at over 40lbs overweight, I lost 20 to 30 lbs in a month or less.

If you have doubts, I can understand that. But when you can get $100 off, now is as good a time as any to take the plunge. What do you have to lose besides 10, 15 or 20 pounds?
Give Riverfront MD a try! I think you might be happy you did. If you decide to use Riverfront MD, please leave a review!!