Where to Buy MK 677 Online with Confidence?
Buying online is supposed to be easy and convenient. Yet everyday I see websites promoting one questionable product or the other. One of the latest trends I am seeing is that Ibutamoren (MK-677) being sold online without a prescription. I am going to point out why this is not just foolish but also dangerous. At the end you should have a good idea of where to buy MK 677 that has the best purity and production standards and will also yield the best results.
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How do You Know Where to Buy MK 677?
MK 677 was Developed by a Pharmaceutical Company
The Supplement Industry is Largely Unregulated Beware of Products Being Sold for Research Purposes Only
Stay away from “No Prescription Required” Sites
So Where do I Buy Real Ibutamoren in the USA?
Reliable Sources for REAL Prescription MK 677
MK 677 FAQ
MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren is the first oral growth hormone secretagogue that acts on the pituitary gland to increase growth hormone and IGF-1.
Increased appetite
Insulin resistance
Joint pain
Water retention
Yes. Several studies have shown that Mk 677 raises GH and IGF-1. Therefore test subjects have put on fat free mass even without lifestyle changes.
Studies have shown an improvement in stage 4 and REM sleep quality in test subjects both young and old.
MK 677 increases appetite in most study subjects. However, visceral fat was reduced in most of those studied.
Studies have shown few side effects, but it’s wise to continue regular checkups with your physician.
Benefits of MK-677|Ibutamoren Mesylate
Some people think MK-677 is a GHRP or a HGH peptide, it isn’t. Also known as Ibutamoren, MK-677 is an extremely potent secretagogues of Growth Hormone (GH) and IGF-1.
Ibutamoren produces a host of benefits such as:
- Lean muscle mass growth
- Reduction of the “bad cholesterol” LDL
- Prevents the breakdown of muscle when in a fasted state
- Reduces visceral fat
- Accelerates healing from wounds
- Deeper sleep
- Increased bone density
- All products come from a pharmacy in the USA
Ibutamoren Mesylate Study Results
Several scientific studies have been conducted on Ibutamoren. Keep in mind these are legitimate studies with legit pharmaceutical MK-677.
Reversal of nitrogen wasting-
This study was conducted to see if Mk-677 could reverse the effects of muscle wasting and prevent a negative nitrogen balance. The intention was to see if this could potentially help medical patients with various catabolic conditions so they simply don’t waste away. A group of eight volunteers were put through two separate 14 week periods of 18kcal/kg per day to test their nitrogen balance. To convert that into pounds it means that a 165lb man would consume roughly 1300 calories per day. The results showed a positive nitrogen balance and that anabolic effects could be maintained even when under a low calorie diet. [1]
No significant difference in IGF binding protein-2 was found between the MK-677 and placebo treatments. However, the mean in IGF binding protein-3 for the last 5 days of MK-677 treatment was also significantly increased to 3273 +/- 330 ng/mL (mean +/- SE) compared with placebo 2604 +/- 253 ng/mL (P < 0.01). Neither the serum cortisol nor the PRL response was significantly greater after 7 days of MK-677 dosing compared with 7 days of placebo. MK-677 (25 mg) was generally well tolerated and without clinically significant adverse experiences. In conclusion, MK-677 reverses diet-induced nitrogen wasting, suggesting that if these short-term anabolic effects are maintained in patients who are catabolic because of certain acute or chronic disease states, it may be useful in treating catabolic conditions.
Functional lower extremity improvement post hip fracture-
The study was conducted on elderly patients who suffered hip fractures. The testing was on 160 people age 65 and older who suffered hip fractures and were recovering from surgery. The study measured IGF-1 levels, strength in lower extremities and the ability to live independently.
Unfortunately, they failed to conclude that the study subjects could live independently but they did find an increase of IGF-1 of 84%. In addition, they found an improvement in lower extremity strength in the Mk-677 group vs. none from the placebo group. [2]
Results: MK-0677 treatment increased serum IGF-I levels by 84% (95% confidence interval (CI)=63-107), compared with an increase of 17% (95% CI=8-28) on placebo. There were no significant differences between MK-0677 and placebo in improvement in functional performance measures or in the overall SIP-NH score. Although MK-0677 patients showed greater improvement relative to placebo in three of four lower extremity functional performance measures, in the physical domain of the SIP, and in the ability to live independently, these differences were not stat istically significant.
Increase in Fat Free Mass-
24 obese patients age 24-50 went through an 8 week trial of MK-677. Half were given Mk-677 and the other hafl a placebo. The Mk-677 group showed an increase of 40% of Insulin like growth factor (IGF-1). They also added fat free mass by the end of the trial. [3]
We conclude that 2-month treatment with MK-677 in healthy obese males caused a sustained increase in serum levels of GH, IGF-I, and IGF-binding protein-3. The effects on cortisol secretion were transient. Changes in body composition and energy expenditure were of an anabolic nature, with a sustained increase in fat-free mass and a transient increase in basal metabolic rate.
Longer REM sleep and shorter sleep latency-
Eight subjects age 18-30 and six subjects age 65-71 were part of a sleep study to determine if there was any improvement in stage 4 and REM sleep. The results should that the Mk-677 group went to sleep faster (latency), had an improvement in stage 4 sleep as well as REM sleep. [4]
In young subjects, high-dose MK-677 treatment resulted in an approximately 50% increase in the duration of stage IV and in a more than 20% increase in REM sleep as compared to placebo (p < 0.05). The frequency of deviations from normal sleep decreased from 42% under placebo to 8% under high-dose MK-677 (p < 0.03). In older adults, treatment with MK-677 was associated with a nearly 50% increase in REM sleep (p < 0.05) and a decrease in REM latency (p < 0.02). The frequency of deviations from normal sleep also decreased (p < 0.02).
These are just a few of the studies. There are many more which includes an increase in bone density among them.
Side Effects of Ibutamoren
Like most medications, MK-677 has some potential side effects. Yet another reason to make sure when you are looking for MK-677 for sale you get a real product, from a real pharmacy and you get the prescription from real medical professionals.
Below are some of the side effects of MK-677.
- Hunger
- Lethargy
- Muscle Pain
- Water Retention
- Insulin Resistance
How do You Know Where to Buy MK 677?
There are several tell tale signs of a questionable product, especially a product that is of a pharmaceutical nature. I will explain how I know MK 677 is not an over the counter product an in addition I will show you the why its not a good idea to buy from those companies.
MK 677 was Developed by a Pharmaceutical Company
Merck and Company developed MK 677 in 1995 and did several studies on the drug. In addition, Ammonnet Pharma was granted a patent for Ibutamoren Mesylate in 2017. Ammonnet Pharma is using the brand name Oratrope as a treatment for growth hormone deficiency.
Common sense should prevail here.
Why would a Pharmaceutical company invest in research, development, dealing with regulations as well as marketing costs if some website can sell that same drug for under $100? You know the answer, they wouldn’t. You should really think about this before you make the decision to pull the trigger on Ibutamoren from sites like these.
These rogue websites are very effective at conditioning people into believing their product does not requite a script as well as suggesting their products are safe, pure and effective.
The Supplement Industry is Largely Unregulated
Vitamin supplements, as well other over the counter “health and fitness” products have very little oversight industry wide. What this means is there is no one to inspect and verify the ingredients in the product you just bought, including MK 677.
The FDA only can step in to address a supplement when it has harmed a significant amount of people.
Non prescription supplements aren’t always dangerous however. Sometimes they just don’t contain the ingredients you want or the ingredients exist in trace amounts.
In other words, you have absolutely no way to know if your product even contains MK 677. Do you honestly believe you can buy real MK 677 from Amazon?
Beware of Products Being Sold for Research Purposes Only
Online sellers will often try a different tactic, such as saying the product is for research purposes only. These research drugs suffer many of the same issues as supplements. No oversight.
First, the site actually says “for research purpose only” then it says “not for human consumption”.
Second, the product is often being shipped and packaged out of someone’s garage or basement. Your MK 677 might be kept in a hot and damp area that is filed with pests. There is no way to know.
Third, the source of these products can be questionable. In fact, some of these companies buy cheap from China. Without any US standards in quality, potency, handling or storage. Many of these sites are simply buying MK 677 cheap overseas and then selling it to you at a huge profit without knowing or caring if the product is effective or safe.
Fourth, people have been arrested for selling research MK 677. Companies that are willing to illegally sell you a product that is “not intended for human consumption is probably not a company to trust. Research chemicals in general don’t have to adhere to safety guidelines.
In fact, sometimes these drugs are altered intentionally to save money. They could contain the product but it might have additional ingredients that you do not want.
More common sense thinking. If you believe the website already, why don’t you believe the “not for human consumption” warning?
Stay away from “No Prescription Required” Sites
No prescription required websites are notorious for using the two methods I just discussed. Research only sites use this language to make the product seem like legitimate quality products. Similarly, peptide supplement sites use this same language to make their products look safe.
You shouldn’t trust either of those methods.
MK 677 and other drugs are made with strict standards in the US and trying to work around them doesn’t make the product any safer, more effective or real.
In fact, if one of the sites can’t produce something like this for you, don’t use them,

SARMS Sites Selling MK 677
SARMS websites are also selling MK 677 online. MK 677 is not a SARM, first of all. MK 677 works differently than a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Nevertheless, these sites are also trying to take advantage on interest in the product. However, these SARM sites are just another example of the business types to look out for that I already discussed above.
So Where do I Buy Real Ibutamoren in the USA?
I have been giving you a lot to think about with this guide. However, you should know that there are websites that have prescription MK 677 for sale online that is legitimate and reliable.
But first, you have to understand that these companies conduct business in the proper way. This means that you will have to get a medical consult and get a prescription to receive your order. The good news is that there are companies out there that do exactly that.
The ordering process works slightly differently:
- Select your product Find the exact product you want.
- Fill out forms This is a required step which will include answering some medical questions.
- Consultation/Updates A Doctor will review your medical forms and consult with you. Upon approval they transmit your prescription to a licensed pharmacy in the USA.
- Products shipped Once the pharmacy receives the prescription from the Doctor they will fill it and send it to your door.
- Start your protocol That’s it you are done! You can now begin to enjoy your products and the many benefits.
Reliable Sources for REAL Prescription MK 677
You came here looking to buy prescription GH peptides, purchase real MK 677 or at the very least see how to do it. I assume you are wanting to this product in order to look and feel better because you have heard of the amazing benefits.
If that’s true, then you should make sure you are buying real Ibutamoren Mesylate and not some illegal, cheap or dangerous knock off. The only way you can do this with 100% certainty is to get it from a pharmacy. Buying from a pharmacy requires a prescription. Getting a prescription means having a Doctor sign off.
I know I am breaking this down in a very simple way. However you cannot argue the logic. Every other way poses some risks that are not worth taking. I hope you enjoyed or learned something from this guide.
You can find the highest quality MK 677 for sale here as well as learn more about this potent anti aging, muscle mass building and bone density increasing drug!