Dealing with Online Threats

Dealing with Online Threats

You know, back in the day people used to tell me to be cautious on the internet. “Don’t pick fights, don’t cause trouble.” But now that I’m an adult, these same elders of mine spend their days arguing on facebook. This, of course, leads the the occasional “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

That’s one way you can end up with some issues online. Unfortunately, you can be completely innocent and still end up with harassment and threats. This applies doubly so if you’re a woman. So, today I’m going over what you can do about online threats.

Avoid Escalation

Funny enough, you may not have expected this from me. I’m an amateur mma fighter, and just a good ol’ country boy. I love to throw hands, but I also understand that there’s way more factors than just that. For one, the legal issues that come with a physical confrontation just aren’t worth it. Even just a night in jail is garbage, trust me. Nobody wants to eat jail beans and hot dogs for dinner. And then you get to have a nice night’s sleep on a plastic matress on a metal bed.

Also consider the fact of who you’re speaking to. Is it someone you barely know? Then nine times out of ten, disengaging will just end it. Most people don’t want to scrap, they just want to talk. And, honestly? Let them talk, it’s no skin off your nose.

Let Someone Know

If it’s going on for longer than you expected, make sure to let someone you trust know. It’s always good to have a second opinion from someone you trust. They can either help bring you down if anger is clouding you, or let you know whether you’re right to worry. People interpret things differently, it’s always good to look from another angle.

Never Agree to Meet or Give Out Your Info

Once again, this goes back to what was common knowledge when I was younger. Don’t give your information out online. Things like your home address and GPS features shouldn’t be used. These things make you easier to find for hostile strangers.

Also, don’t agree to meet someone from online. You show up to fight them one on one, there’s no guarantee that it will be fair. Knives, guns, and numbers can all show up, and then you’re just playing a losing game.

Finally, Involve the Authorites

Depending on the severity of the threat, you may want to consider involving law enforcement and the moderators/administrators of the site. Moderators likely have established policies and procedures for handling this type of thing and can probably advise you on recommended steps you should take.

If you believe you’re generally being threatened, contact the local police department. Safe than sorry is key, and even if it turns out to be nothing, peace of mind will be worth the hassle.