Heart Food for Your Ticker

Heart Food for Your Ticker

I’ve always had a pretty strong resting heart rate. I probably owe that to my years of sports, and just remaining generally active at all times. But that’s not enough to ease my mind, since my family has quite a history of heart problems. From stints to heart attacks, you name it we’ve had it. That’s why today I’ll be looking into and compiling a list of heart food that can keep yours beating strong.

Deaths from heart disease has dropped in recent years, but it’s still America’s number one killer. I’ve gone over many forms of exercise on this site, so today, like I said, diet is our focus. I’ll be going over five pieces of heart food that you should eat more of.


One of the easiest on the list for me. I’ve always loved oatmeal for the energy it gives me and just how filling it is. But as it turns out, oatmeal is high in soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower cholesterol. “It acts as a sponge in the digestive tract and soaks up the cholesterol so it is eliminated from the body and not absorbed into the bloodstream,” says Lauren Graf, a registered dietician and co-director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Graf recommends avoiding instant oatmeal, which often contains sugar, and heading instead for old-fashioned or even quick-cooking oats.

Whole grains like oatmeal and wheat bread are all good for the heart, as long as they contain the entire grain.

Heart Food Berries

Blueberries, strawberries, and several other types are all good for your heart. In fact, according to some studies women who ate more than three servings of blue and strawberries a week had a thirty percent lower risk of heart attack!

The study contributed this to compounds known as anthocyans and antioxidants that may decrease blood pressure. This is also the chemical that gives your plants red and blue colors.


Unfortunately french fries don’t make the cut for a heart food here. Many people avoid potatoes because they’re white and starchy. But, as long as the potatoes aren’t fried they’re good for you. Potatoes are rich in potassium, which helps you lower your blood pressure.

They’re also high in fiber, which can lower your risk of heart disease as well.

Fatty Fish

The almighty omega-3 fatty acids. You hear about it all the time, and how critical it is for maintaining a healthy heart. You can get these acids from fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, and lake trout. All of these contain health protecting omega-3s.

Omega-3s have long been shown in human clinical trials to prevent heart attacks by helping the powerhouse keep it’s rhythm. They also make blood less likely to clot, lower your blood pressure, keep your blood vessels healthy, and reduce inflammation.

Yeah, fish are no joke. Just make sure to avoid deep frying them. The saturated fats you get from that can outweigh the benefits of the dish.

Leafy Greens

And finally, the least delicious option here, the leafy greens. Spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard, and mustard greens are all rich in vitamins that are vital to your health. A, C, E, and K, all contain antioxidants that help remove toxins from your body. They also contain calcium, magnesium, and potassium that adds an extra kick of health.