This post is more emotional than logical, I will grant you that. But I am going to try to present an argument and ask questions and show evidence that Florida needs an NCAA Division I wrestling program.
Division I wrestling
Division 1 wrestling is the top level a wrestler that goes to college and participates in sports can achieve.
If you are familiar with College Basketball think about Duke or North Carolina. If you are more familiar with Football think about Alabama, Florida State or Notre Dame.
These are the levels that amateur athletes aspire to. This is the end game for many of them but in the process they often get a well earned college education.
The Conversation
There was a post on the Florida Wrestling Room Facebook group today that went a little like this:
#6, #13 and #50 best high school teams in the entire nation, and yet there isn’t a single Division I school in Florida for these kids to wrestle varsity at and only one varsity team (Southeastern) for them to compete at.
And the person who posted it is 100% correct.
There is not a single Division 1 College with wrestling in Florida, yet they have three of the top ranked High School teams in the USA.
Based on the The USA Wrestling Magazine article which was published March, 30 2018, here is how the top 50 High School Rankings come in.
- Pennsylvania- 6 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Ohio- 5 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- California- 4 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Iowa- 3 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Michigan- 3 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Minnesota- 3 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- New Jersey- 3 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Florida– 3 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams (#6 ranked team, #13 ranked team and the #50 ranked team)
- Indiana- 2 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Illinois- 2 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Kansas- 2 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Missouri- 2 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Nebraska- 2 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- New Mexico- 2 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Oklahoma- 2 Top 50 High School Wrestling Teams
- Georgia- 1 Top 50 High School Wrestling Team
- Texas- 1 Top 50 High School Wrestling Team
- West Virginia- 1 Top 50 High School Wrestling Team
- Colorado- 1 Top 50 High School Wrestling Team
As you can see here, Florida lags behind only traditional powerhouse States in regards to rankings. And of all our states in this country only 19 are represented at all in this high school wrestling ranking.
While paper always beats rock and scissors always beats paper, the same is not true for wrestlers.
Especially in High School, the best you can do is try and compare head to head results and results against common opponents. It is not an exact science, but Colleges use “experts” to determine who is the best at Football.
We see that those are flawed but usually they are also pretty close to being true. The point being is that the top few are pretty clear, the rest might be a jumbled mess but typically on any given day the teams represented are accurately represented.
This is the criteria that USA Wrestling magazine uses:
Seven factors were considered in determining these rankings. They include: (1) accomplishments at the state high school championships (folkstyle); (2) National Junior Freestyle and Greco-Roman success; 3) Performances at prestigious regular season high school tournaments; (4) Super 32 Championships; (5) Cadet National Placement (6) NHSCA Championships; (7) Flo Nationals. Wrestlers are listed at the weight classes from their respective state tournament series.
NCAA Division 1 Wrestling Programs
Of the High School teams that are ranked in the top 50 here are the States that have Division 1 wrestling programs.
- Pennsylvania- 11 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Ohio- 4 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- California- 4 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Iowa- 3 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Michigan- 4 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams (Eastern Michigan has a team, but appears it will be dropped)
- Minnesota- 1 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- New Jersey- 3 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Florida- 0 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Indiana- 2 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Illinois- 4 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Kansas- 0 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Missouri- 1 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Nebraska- 1 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- New Mexico- 0 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Oklahoma- 2 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Georgia- 0 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Texas- 0 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- West Virginia- 1 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
- Colorado- 2 NCAA Division 1 Wrestling teams
There are other states on the list without a team that have NCAA Division 1 teams, but no High School teams in the top 50. These were excluded.
Minnesota and Florida are the only States that have multiple high school programs in the top 50 and less than two Division 1 wrestling programs. Minnesota still has 1 Division 1 College team with three teams in the top 50. Florida has 0 Division 1 College programs, also with three teams in the top 50.
All told there are currently 76 Division 1 wrestling schools in the NCAA.

NCWA- National Collegiate Wrestling Association
The NCWA is essentially a club program open to college students who want to participate in wrestling. They use the same rules and weight classes that the NCAA does but they are funded through other means. Donations, club fees etc..
There are currently over 150 NCWA teams and at least four in Florida alone, completely self funded. They also boast several women’s teams!
UCF, The University of Central Florida, happens to be located smack in the middle of the state. The school also happens to be one of the best programs in the NCWA.

In addition to UCF a number of other wrestlers from Florida club programs did well at the National tournament.
Complete team results can be found here on Flowrestling.
Why Can’t We?
I could go on and on with this topic but for now I will stop here.
If we can have four self funded teams in Florida. A number of NCWA placers or champions from Florida or currently wrestling in Florida. Several wrestlers from Florida that wrestle in NCAA programs. A team already at the top of its game directly in the middle of the state. Three top 50 High School wrestling programs.
Why is it we cannot have even one NCAA division 1 wrestling program?
It’s not the talent or desire. That much has been established.
Money? That certainly presents an issue, but with community support and ingenuity, maybe it can happen.
Is there something more?
I am asking, because if we ask the questions, we can discover solutions.
After all, wrestlers do not shy away from problems, challenges or confrontations. We tackle them head on.
What are your thoughts?