Improving Focus, Energy and Brainpower
The mind can do incredible things, especially if the brain is constantly improving. You feel more unlocked to tap your true potential. Although exercise and a great diet alone can help you gain memory retention, better focus, less brain haziness and clarity when accomplishing complicated tasks, it does not hurt to try to push the envelope further and we are going to see if OptiMind can help.
We believe that ADHD (Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder) isn’t just some random made up disorder or an excuse to why someone is easily distracted during conversations; it’s a huge problem for those whose lives are affected by it. What makes matter worse is that the widely popular drug, Adderall is over-prescribed and easily administered to college students in order to pass classes and exams.
These drugs, in addition, do come with a price to your health, especially frequently used.
We actually did research about “smart drugs” similar to Adderall. If the drugs depicted from the movie, “Limitless” pops in your mind, you are in the right track. Given that we are very much into diet and exercise, natural and safety is our top priority. We found a supplement company that is specifically designed to enhance focus, motivation and energy.
OptiMind Nootropic
I’m a little late to the party but we recently learned about OptiMind, a nootropic supplement that has been creating quite the buzz on social media. Judging from their coverage from various top media sources, they have been popular for several years now. With that in mind I decided to put together a review based on experience as well as scouring the web for other user experiences. With this in mind we hope you find the information helpful.

OptiMind Brain Booster for Focus and Energy
OptiMind Review Results
Within an hour of taking two pills, OptiMind actually removed some of my mental fog, increased my retention of memorizing information and gave me a subtle clarity. I can only describe this as inducing simple, free-flow thinking and the focus and energy to write. This is something I find difficult to achieve as a blogger sometimes and Optimind helped dial me in.
The formula is comprised of essential vitamins and natural compounds that boost cognitive function. OptiMind’s formula contains the necessary building blocks of acetylcholine, acting to replenish neurotransmitters in the brain as you burn them off through activity. According to the CEO/Co-Founder of OptiMind, Lucas Siegel:
“OptiMind is not about getting jittery energy; it’s about obtaining a clear mind, which is the biggest difference between our product and coffee or other energy drinks. The whole premise of OptiMind is that you can work efficiently and accomplish more than others without ever ‘coming down’ or crashing as you do with coffee.”
In other words, these pills are for productivity- hack enthusiasts. How can you get as much in a day without the fuss and how far can you envision your goals? The company was started in 2013 with the goal to revolutionize productivity and performance after a friend of the CEO committed suicide while taking a popularly abused pharmaceutical. This truly inspired the duo to create a focus pill that was safe and accessible. Leaving their jobs as financial engineers and 20 years of research from leading neuroscientists, OptiMind was born.

Ingredients List
Optimind boasts high quality and ethically sourced ingredients that have been studied by neuroscientists for years.
The ingredient list includes: Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) Whole Plant Extract (Synapsa), L-Taurine, Phosphatidylserine 50% Powder, Natural Caffeine (from Green Coffee Bean) (VegiSurge), GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid), L-Tyrosine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Huperzine A Complex (Huperzia serrata) Aerial Parts Extract, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (Vegetarian Capsule), Calcium Silicate, Magnesium Stearate (Vegetable Source), Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Sulbutiamine.
This combination provides a synergy that makes it an excellent energy and focus supplement.

How to take OptiMind
The instructions read to take 1-2 capsules in the morning with a glass of water. It looks to be safe to take up to 8 capsules in a day as needed. They also mention that you feel short term benefits immediately and that continuous use will bring long term benefit.
Personally, I prefer to take them early, since that is when I am most productive. Over time, if I feel less effectiveness, I take a week off and they seem to pack a punch again. This has been reported by other users as well. Instead of just increasing dosage, they take a short break and resume a week later.
Like with anything, sometimes you can build a resistance and the way I used it works for me. But you can go check it out yourself. There are hundreds of reviews out there for Optimind with the vast majority being positive. Don’t take my word for it go see reviews by verified purchasers on the Optimind Amazon page.