weight loss

Hit the Gym Running: Removing Intimidation from Your New Year’s Resolution


New Year New Weight Loss Goal

Ah, a New Year dreamer. You’ve decided this is your year of success. You marched your happy butt right to the nearest gym, plopped down your credit card, and signed away one year of your life on a membership. You got the tour from Brad, and as his muscles threatened to rip his shirt at the seams, he promised your goals were achievable. The gym equipment gleamed and adrenaline surged through your body as you visualized the new you taking shape. You went to the mall and bought new sneakers and some killer fitness wear. Everything is coming up Plexus.

You got up early the next morning before work, laced up those super fly shoes and drove to the gym, protein shake in hand. You scanned your card and the beep made you tingle with anticipation. With a confident stride you marched past the reception desk and into … hell. Big white machines loomed like pearly cranes set to topple over the moment you approach. The free weight section was full of beefy dudes grunting and sweating over large black discs of death. There were spotters everywhere, and no sign of Brad. You got on the treadmill, walked for 30 minutes, and left.

That was a month ago, and you haven’t been back. You mean well, and you want to, but gym intimidation has got you down. It’s time to lift yourself up by your cute shoe straps and make this resolution successful. Here are five things you can do right now to get yourself back in the gym and on your way to your goals.

Utilize Gym Staff

gym training

Call your gym and ask for an appointment with a staff member who can show you how those master beasts work. For safety reasons alone, they will be more than happy to instruct you. Before you leave, make sure you sit down on one and try a rep or two at the lightest weight. Experience how it feels to sit there, and imagine yourself doing it successfully. You just used a machine. You’re on your way!

Seek Gyms and You Shall Find

Hit the Gym Running: Removing Intimidation from Your New Year's Resolution

Use the internet for good, not evil. Instead of googling “How to lose weight by eating goji berries” try “How to use machines at the gym.” Actually, let me do that for you.

That was too easy. No, really Honey, it’s that easy! I’ve got you. 

Establish a Routine for Reps

Hit the Gym Running: Removing Intimidation from Your New Year's Resolution

Establish a routine for reps. Another quick google brings up an entire leg day routine you can do in the gym. Do one for arms. Abs. Whatever. The internet world is your oyster. 

Find Your Kind

Hit the Gym Running: Removing Intimidation from Your New Year's ResolutionUse social media to connect with other gym rats. Successful people love sharing their opinions and experience. Find a mentor that will encourage you, and maybe even go to the gym with you a time or two until you get your confidence up.

Attend a Class

Hit the Gym Running: Removing Intimidation from Your New Year's Resolution

Get a list of classes your gym offers and attend one. Not only will it get you in the gym, you’ll meet people in class that are either experienced gymaholics, or intimidated just like you. There’s power in numbers. Grab your new Zumba BFF and tackle it together.

Overcoming mental obstacles is just as important as overcoming physical ones. Tackling gym intimidation will set your mind and body in motion, and direct you toward achieving your New Year’s resolution.  Back on track is your February mantra.