How to lose 30 pounds in a month
So you want to lose 30 pounds in a month? Losing weight can often be a struggle and for some people it is more difficult than for others. My friend Mike allowed me to use his story and image to show tell you how he was able to lose 30 pounds in a month.
1st of all, I would not call these results typical. The more weight you have to lose, the more you can lose. It is going to be pretty difficult to lose even 10 pounds if you are already lean and fit.
Second, not every weight loss plan is for everyone. I did manage to do something similar.
You can also read my story HERE.
30 pounds in 30 days
Mike was motivated to lose weight. When we spoke, he was already trying to shed the extra pounds. He was taking lunch with him to work and he was beginning to do some exercise. He also was monitoring his calories to continue his progress.
Unfortunately, he was not seeing the results as quickly as he wanted.
He was trying everything to get back into the shape that he used to be in. As a former high school wrestler, he was used to intense workouts and calorie counting. He was no stranger to discipline either.
But he came to a realization that age catches up with you and sometimes diet and exercise alone isn’t enough.
That is when he called me.
It was no secret that I worked for a company that sold prescription vitamins and HCG shots. After a conversation, Mike decided to give it a try himself.
Losing 30 pounds in a month: From 297 pounds to 267 pounds
Mike decided to buy the 2 month supply of HCG with the lipotropic shots. This was due to the fact that he had a significant amount of weight to lose. Lipotropic shots are vitamins, minerals and amino acids that aid in burning fat.
He also went on the HCG diet plan. This plan calls for a 500 calorie diet during what is called phase 2, which can last a few weeks. I know he modified this plan a bit to suit his needs and added some light physical activity but I cannot argue with his results.
Have a look for yourself.

Mike lost another 20 pounds 2 months later
As I mentioned, Mike bought the 2 month hcg injection kit with lipo shots. With the HCG injection diet and protocol, you are supposed to take a month off in between rounds. Therefore, after losing his initial weight, he took a break and did the program again.
The result was Mike dropping from roughly 267 pounds down to around 240-245 pounds during the second round of this protocol.
The grand total for Mike was 50lbs of weight loss in two months of actively doing the diet.
Mike kept the 30 pounds of weight off and more
One of the criticisms of this type of program is that even if you lose 30 pounds in a month, you will gain it all back and more. As you can see from the image above not only did he lose 30 pounds in a month, he lost 50 pounds in 3 months. Today is around 90 pounds lighter than he was 5 years ago.
30 pounds in a month or 30 pounds in 2 months? Realistic goal setting
When setting your weight loss goals it is important to be realistic. Mike was able to lose 30 pounds in just a month becasue he had weight to lose. Being 5’9″ or so and 300lbs when he started gave him the opportunity to shed the weight quickly.
Depending on your height and weight you might find it more realistic to try to lose 30 pounds in two months. The key is identifying what is attainable and healthy.
Don’t worry the plan does teach you good lifelong eating habits. The low calorie portion is not meant to be forever, it is designed for you to reach a certain goal in minimal time.
Where to buy real HCG
I have gone into tremendous detail on how to find real HCG injections online. I also recently published an enormous piece of information about the entire HCG diet industry that is worth a look if you have time. But my recommendation is My Diet Doc, you can see a full diet doc review here. Or you can start by clicking the link below.
While no one can promise any weight loss plan is foolproof, I have lost at least 40 pounds on the HCG diet and Mike lost at least 50 pounds. Having been employed by a company that was selling these products, I can tell you that I have spoken with dozens if not hundreds of others who have had excellent results on this program.
Some might think that using HCG shots and Lipotropics are ineffective long term, but try to tell Mike that! Whether you are trying to lose 30 pounds in one month or two months just remember to have a plan and give it your best effort. If you do, you may find the same success Mike did.