After the HCG diet: Maintaining post HCG weight loss
So now you are wondering how to maintain your weight loss after the HCG diet after reaching your goals. Don’t worry, there are plenty of sensible options available that not only will help with maintenance but may help you lose more weight.
First we are going to look at the basic premise of the HCG diet itself. Not in the sense of taking HCG shots and sticking with a low calorie plan, rather we are going to approach the basic philosophy of the food list.
The HCG diet boils down to a high protein, moderate carbohydrate and low fat diet on the surface but that is not the whole story. The diet also warns against processed foods, saturated fats and sugars not acquired from natural sources. Continuing to follow those guidelines will allow you to succeed even after the HCG diet.
HCG diet macros
The HCG diet does operate by tracking the macronutrients protein, carbohydrates, fiber and water. Instead it works based on strict menu options and even stricter calorie consumption. But for the sake of knowing, I decided to break down a couple of meal options so that we can guide or post HCG diet options.
Nutrition calculators vary, but these numbers will not be too far off.
Example one: 3.5 ounce lean top sirloin, 1 cup of strawberries and 1 whole tomato. This meal has 234 calories and the macros are 28 grams of protein, 16 grams of carbs and 7 grams of fat. This meal breaks down to 55% protein, 31% carbs and 14% fat.
In this example the protein intake is very high and the carbs are moderate with fat being the lowest macro in this meal.
Example two: 3.5 ounce boneless, skinless chicken breast, 1 cup cooked spinach, 1 apple. This meal changes the ratio of macros with 42% of the calories coming from protein, 51% from carbs and 7% from fat.
This translates to a high protein diet plan but the carb and fat intake may vary up or down.
Benefits of a high protein diet
Dr. Simeons seems to have caught on much earlier than most in regards to the value of protein. In fact, several studies that have followed his have confirmed the many benefits of increasing protein intake.
Weight loss– Even as written, the low fat high protein approach has led to weight loss and increased fat loss. This study shows the weight loss was similar in a high carb diet BUT the high protein group lost more fat even though calories were the same. (sound familiar?)
Fights hunger– This study shows that a diet higher in protein reduces the feeling of hunger and helps the body burn more calories even at rest.
Builds muscle– Protein powders have been a staple of athletes and weightlifters for quite a while now. This is for good reason, increasing protein intake has been proven to increase muscle mass and strength in both trained and untrained individuals.
Which diet is best to maintain weight loss after the HCG diet?
If you really take a minute to look at the HCG diet, it really is quite brilliant. Dr. Simeons created a diet that is very high in protein to accelerate fat loss, retain muscle and fight hunger while allowing enough carbs to fuel energy expenditure. Then he added mild hormone manipulation via HCG shots to amplify the effects of the high protein diet.
For those unfamiliar with what HCG does, the short version is that it stimulates reproductive hormones and Leptin. Reproductive hormone deficiencies are associated with abdominal weight gain and Leptin regulates hunger.
Making a transition to a new diet post HCG should consider similar principles. for example, minimal processed foods or sugars that don’t come from real food, significant protein intake and moderate carb intake.
Of course after the HCG diet you will no longer be taking the hormone and will be allowed more calories. In addition you will have more variety with your meal choices. I would still stay somewhat close to the philosophy of the meal plan though, since we know it works. For that reason I recommend the Paleo diet as a post HCG plan to either maintain weight or continuing to lose weight.

Paleo diet differences and similarities
The paleo, or caveman diet, was originally a concept of Dr. Walter Voegtlin. In the 1970’s he suggested that we should be eating a diet that was as similar to what our ancestors ate as possible. In the early 2000’s a book was released named “Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat“, which brought a spotlight back to the plan.
These diets are actually more similar than different with a few exceptions. Where the HCG diet is more of a high protein and moderate carb plan, Paleo is more balanced. The macro ratio of a typical paleo meal is roughly 30% protein, 40% fat, 30% carbohydrates.
The paleo diet executes this by eating only food that could be plucked, fished or hunted which changes the approved food list slightly.
The food selection still will include a larger selection of meats, fruits and vegetables but still avoids unnatural foods. The switch from the HCG diet to paleo should be rather seamless if you are okay with adding nuts to the diet and staying away from things like grains and beans.
That is why to me, this is the best diet after the HCG diet for maintaining or losing weight.