Why Buy B12 Injections?
Vitamin B12 injections are used for a number of reasons. These reasons range from weight loss, vitamin b12 deficiencies, energy and life threatening conditions like pernicious anemia. B12 shots can be purchased online for a fraction of the price of going into a clinic. After I discuss b12 I will show you where you can buy b12 injections online.
Quick Navigation: Select the B12 shot information you are looking for below
- B12 Deficiency Symptoms
- Vitamin B12 Shots and Energy
- The Brain and Vitamin B12
- Bursitis Treatment with B12 Injections
- Who Might be B12 Deficient
- Methylcobalamin Information
- Benefits of B12 Injections
- B12 Shots for Weight Loss
- Where to Buy B12 Injections Online
Get the Most Value when you Buy B12 Injections Online
The internet is a tricky pace sometimes however, the more information you have the better decisions you make. Therefore, please beware of the type of b12 shots you are buying. Above all, whoever you buy B12 from, make sure they are a qualified health care professional.
Most people want the purest form of B12 shots. Methylcobalamin is that form. Do your best to get this type of b12 shot, the others are inferior to this type.
If you go to a clinic or to a nearby pharmacy like Walgreens or CVS , you are probably paying at least $15 or more for a shot. The shot you are getting is Cyanocobalamin which is a lesser quality form of B12 that also contains trace amount of Cyanide. In addition, Cyano B12 still has to go through a metabolic process in your body to convert itself to Methyl B12. For those that have serious deficiencies or difficulty converting the Cyano form, you may lose much of the effect. Cyano B12 is much cheaper than Methyl B12 because of this conversion, as a result you it may be less effective if you have a condition that causes a deficiency.
If you want a better value, purchase your b12 shots online and choose Methyl B12 or Cyano B12. The price for a vial will come out cheaper than going into a clinic. You have the added benefit of getting a better quality product as well! Before you continue to look for b12 injections for sale, look over the importance of this vitamin.
Exclusive Online Savings

My Choice of Where to Buy B12 Injections Online
Best price on Methylcobalamin online from My Diet Doc for just $99!
Steps: ( after clicking the My Diet Doc Link) 1. Add to Cart 2. Checkout 3. Fill out Required Information 4. During Phone Consultation Request Methylcobalamin (or Cyanocobalamin if you prefer) 5. Receive your Product
B12 Injections for Pernicious Anemia
Pernicious Anemia is a condition that prevents you from absorbing B12. This is due to a lack of a substance called intrinsic factor. This condition can lead to you feeling tired and weak and result in tingling in your feet and hands. Only Methylcobalamin can treat this disorder because the other version falls short. Vitamin B12 helps repair red blood cells, because of this it is one of the most important vitamin supplements.
In addition to Anemia, there are several other signs of B12 deficiency.
Signs and Symptoms of a B12 Deficiency
Tingling or Numbness
Sore Mouth or Tongue
Abnormal Gait
Visual Disturbances
Orthostatic Intolerance
Chest Pain
Difficulty Breathing
Elevated Homocysteine
Elevated MMA
Stomach and GI Problems
Blood Abnormalities
Neurological Lesions
Limb Movement Disorders
Thoughts of Suicide
Risk Factors for a B12 Deficiency
Vegetarian Diet
Over 50 Years Old
Low Stomach Acid
Celiac Disease
Food Allergies
Eating Disorders
Use of Acid Blockers
Taking Oral Birth Control Pills
Use of Metformin
Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia
Pernicious Anemia
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Stomach Surgery
Inetestinal Bacteria Overgrowth
Peptic Ulcer
Transcobalamin Deficiency
B12 Injections for Energy
Vitamin B12 helps turn food into glucose, which your body uses for energy. Have you noticed many energy drinks contain b12, for instance? Next time you buy one of them look on the label and you will likely see cyanocablamin as one of the ingredients. Also, vitamin B12 is a crucial part of the process that turns carbs and fat into energy. By taking B12 injections you are boosting your metabolism in a way that will help you to burn fat and carbs into energy. Conversely, many people who feel tired are probably low in vitamin B12.
To explain how it works, B12 helps with food digestion. Also the extra energy boost is likely to keep you more active throughout the day. There is a reason sometimes they are called lipotropic B12 Injections. Lipotropics act as a fat metabolizing agent.
B12 Injections for Brain Function and Memory
It is a fact that as time goes on, your brain begins to slow. This means that your memory may not be as great as it once. It may also mean your cognitive skills may be suffering. However scientists studied the effects of Vitamin B12 on the elderly age 65 and older and witnesses some spectacular results. For instance, one subject took B12 injections every day after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Due to the deficiency of B12 in the subjects system, the brain had shrunk to the point that her mind was deteriorating. However, results showed that after 4 – 5 years of B12 injections the she had extreme improvement in memory and cognitive skills. With this in mind, older adults should think about adding B12 injections to their care.
B12 Injections and Bursitis
In the 1950’s vitamin b12 was the main treatment for Bursitis!
Vitamin B12 (also B6) is known to reduce levels of an amino acid known as homocysteine in the blood, which is associated with inflammation. Vitamins B12 and B6 are also being studied for their roles in diminishing pain, particularly nerve pain.
Some individuals are unable to adequately absorb vitamin B12 when taken orally.For example, due to various health issues or even extensive use of acid-reducing drugs like Tums. As a result, the injections are the most effective method to deliver results.
There is a 50 year old Bursitis treatment that is still around today. Dr. Irving S. Klemes experimented with forty patients, all suffering from sub deltoid bursitis (or shoulder bursitis) and gave them b12 injections as part of the trial.
Nearly all of the subjects experienced pain relief from the b12 injection treatment, some within just a few hours and in a little over a month all but three of the patients were completely pain free.
The treatment is extremely simple, take 1 CC of vitamin B12 once per day for a week. After the first week reduce the dose to 1 cc every 3 days, followed by another reduction to 1 cc twice per week and finally 1 cc per week until the pain goes away.
Other B12 Uses
• Strict vegetarians and vegans are strongly advised to take vitamin B12 supplements. Most plants do not make this vitamin. Hence, the foods most rich in this vital nutrient are from animals. Thus, rates of deficiency are much higher in strict vegetarians and vegans than in the others.
• People with celiac or Crohn’s disease have digestive disorders. For this reason, they have problems with food absorption. As a consequence, they can have trouble absorbing the vitamin well. Injections of B12 are often necessary.
• Weight-loss surgery patients suffer B12 deficiencies commonly. Because of this, they are usually encouraged to take vitamin B12 for better absorption. Weight loss surgery patients produce less acid, as a result, over 39% are vitamin B deficient.
More Methyl B12 Facts
1) Because it comes from a methyl group, it is a catalyst in the detox process. Therefore, it helps eliminate heavy metals, waste products and environmental toxins.
2) Every chemical reaction in the body requires energy. In converting a vitamin into usable form, energy is also required by the body. For example, supplementing with the cyanocobalamin form of B12 requires the body to expend energy that removes the cyanide molecule then replaces it with a methyl group. But taking methylcobalamin as a B12 injection eliminates the need for an additional expenditure of energy.
3) It is the only form of B12 that can cross the blood-brain barrier without conversion. Its methyl group stimulates the creation of the serotonin.
4) Methylcobalamin is one the best forms of B12 that acts on the nervous system.
5) One of the main jobs of methylcobalamin is to convert homocysteine to methionine. As result it reduces the potential for damage. Converely, free homocysteine in the body causes hardening of the arteries, straining the heart and vascular system.
6) Methylcobalamin plays a key role in sleep. Also, studies show depression improves when patients are given methylcobalamin.
7) It is reported to boost metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
8) B12 injections can result in improved memory, particularly age-related memory loss. Which can lead to higher concentration and increase mental ability overall.
9) Its nerve-related functions make it a neuropathic pain reliever.
10) In eliminating neurotoxicity, it can result in “dramatic pain relief” from degenerative diseases. For example, arthritis and Alzheimer’s.
11) Always consult with a medical professional. However, this can be done online.
12) The product contains benzyl alcohol.
Benefits of B12 Injections
Vitamin B12 is an essential, water soluble vitamin. It is necessary to ensure proper bodily functions and must be consumed or supplemented. This because your body cannot produce B12 on it’s own like it can for other nutrients.
Avoiding a B12 Deficiency
As mentioned, you must consume adequate B12 daily, or at least supplement it with a pill or shots.. If you suffer from a B12 deficiency you may suffer irreversible damage to your central nervous system as well as your brain. If you are low on vitamin B12 you may experience intense fatigue, depression, memory problems, and even mania and psychosis.
B12 Shots for Strict Vegetarians and Vegans
Vitamin B12 is most plentiful in meat products but vegetarians and vegans often do not eat enough of the foods that will help provide enough of the vitamin to avoid a deficiency. They may need to supplement their diet with B12 shots to avoid any of the symptoms that are caused by being low on B12.
The Vegetarian Resource Group and Vegan Society have both recommended that members take B12 shots so that they can function normally and live healthier lives.
Vitamin B12 Shots for Weight Loss
There are many weight loss benefits of B12 shots as well. B12 injections for weight loss actually boosts your metabolism helping you lose weight more quickly. Vitamin B12 is well known to provide energy as well. One of it’s major functions is to help convert food into energy.
Several studies have shown that injecting these shots, rather than taking oral B12 supplements has added benefit. Not only is it much more efficient, but it is also a better bang for your buck. Instead of spending money on over the counter B12 and taking it daily, you can take a B12 shot once or twice a week. In short, B12 shots can help keep you healthy and can help you lose weight as well.
Buy B12 Injections Online Here!
One source when looking to buy b12 injections is My Diet Doc. My Diet Doc provides the Methyl form of vitamin B12. In fact, you will get a better version of the B12 injection for less cost. In addition, you can do this a from the comfort of your home. They are a real online clinic with a full staff ready to assist you!
A fantastic source for Methyl B12 is My Diet Doc! Click Below to see their pricing.
If you prefer a complete B Complex Vitamin read my post here! Thank you for reading. Please comment or share if this was helpful.
Also, feel free to ask any questions in the comments if you have any. No matter who you buy from, make sure they are qualified.
post updated 6/10/2021