What is the Dr. Urshan Diet?
Dr. Urshan owns weight loss clinics in the Tampa Bay area. According to his website there are currently three locations in operation.
While I cannot be exactly specific on what the Dr. Urshan Program fully entails, by reading the website, reviews and listening to TV and radio personalities discuss the diet, I think I have a grasp of the program.
Generally speaking, the Dr. Urshan diet plan is a short term, low calorie diet designed to help users lose weight quickly. I get the idea that it is quite similar to another popular diet, the HCG diet. You will see how I came to this conclusion later. I will also show you some alternatives that are not only effective but they are far less expensive options later in the article.
What is the Dr. Urshan Diet Cost?
The price of the Dr. Urshan diet plan appears to be in the neighborhood of $2,000 for a 40 day plan.
While I am not 100% sure of what the plan includes, I pieced together what I think it includes based on reviews and what his website says.
My understanding of the program is that you get:
- A diet plan
- Dr. Consult
- Support/Check ups
- Supplements
Keep in mind that your actual food bill should come down with a low calorie diet plan. If you think the cost of the Urshan diet is steep, keep reading to learn more details as well as much cheaper alternatives that can save you well over $1000.
If you want to learn more about low calorie diet plans see my article HERE.

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What are the Dr. Urshan Diet Reviews?
The Dr. Urshan diet reviews are mixed to be honest. I have found reviews ranging from one or two stars to absolutely glowing five star reviews.
In addition, on the radio I have heard several success stories from personalities that have done the program.
Based on the negative reviews I have read my personal feeling is that those with a bad experience did not understand that this was a very low calorie plan. Others were surprised that the program was so expensive.
I look at the very few reviews that claim the plan did not work with a very skeptical eye. There is a mountain of clinical research that shows a short term, low calorie plan does help you lose weight.
Is the Dr. Urshan Diet the Same as the HCG Diet?
To answer it simply the answer is no. For one he does not use HGC in his practice. It does appear he uses a combination of other supplements for this diet however.
Aside from that it does seem to share some similarities with the HCG diet. For example, the HCG diet varies between 500-800 calories per day, so do the Dr. Urshan diet. The HCG diet limits most sugar and carbs are eaten primarily through vegetables, the Dr. Urshan diet is similar here too.
Finally, there are restrictions to the type of lotions, oils and other products that a patient can put on their skin. This feature is common to both programs as well. ***UPDATE*** I heard a host on the radio discuss the “apple day” and “steak day” method which is also common with the HCG diet.
In fact on one of the review pages I found online (HERE) you can see a review that states the Urshan diet plan is a modified HCG diet.
The major difference I can find is that I find HCG programs for a fraction of that price! For example 60 day program with vitamin B12 shots included is under $600. The program I am speaking of comes with a Doctor consult, a nutritionist consult and if needed a weight loss coach. You can see that right here.
Urshan diet and HCG diet concerns
Some people are a little concerned about the HCG diet for various reasons though. First is the crash diet part of the program, unfortunately with any crash diet the likelihood of a weight rebound is very high. The other concern is that the general consensus of the HCG itself being able to shed weight is split. I’m not quite sure what supplements the Urshan diet supplies so I cannot comment on their medical effects as most supplements are not regulated and have little oversight.
That said there are other HCG replacement programs that are proven effective and they are legal when prescribed by a doctor, the best part is these programs can be had for a fraction of the price tag of the Urshan diet plan. Semaglutide has just recently been approved for weight loss by the FDA. Originally it was made to control diabetes but when the patients began to lose weight, companies began to do clinical trials on subjects without diabetes as well. The cost of Semaglutide is under $600 also. You can find some right here.

Dr. Urshan Diet Bottom Line
The bottom line for the Dr. Urshan diet is in my opinion, it can and should work. I have done enough research on low calorie diet plans to learn that as a short term weight loss plan they can be safe and effective.
I also have read and heard enough endorsements myself to believe that people are having success with the program.
On the other hand, I would not spend $2,000 for a plan that I can do myself, from home for almost 1/2 or more of the cost and is proven to keep weight off, shed fat and still comes with full support from a trained and qualified medical staff. The fact of the matter is, it sounds very close to the HCG diet plan without the HCG. If you are going to do that plan, do yourself a favor and use the real thing. You can find HCG order information online and get better results for less money, Or if you like deals, you can find the HCG diet in Tampa and get an additional 10% off.
If there is any new info or if I have provided incorrect information regarding the program, leave a comment. I would have no issue correcting this article as new information is discovered.
In the meantime, if you are considering the Dr. Urshan diet plan, do yourself a favor and take a look at this program by clicking THIS LINK and review your options and possibly save yourself a bunch of money, while achieving even better results!